Build from Dockerfile¶
Testcontainers for Go gives you the ability to build an image and run a container from a Dockerfile.
You can do so by specifying a Context
(the filepath to the build context on
your local filesystem) and optionally a Dockerfile
(defaults to "Dockerfile")
like so:
req := ContainerRequest{
FromDockerfile: testcontainers.FromDockerfile{
Context: "/path/to/build/context",
Dockerfile: "CustomDockerfile",
If your Dockerfile expects build args:
FROM alpine
req := ContainerRequest{
FromDockerfile: testcontainers.FromDockerfile{
Context: "/path/to/build/context",
Dockerfile: "CustomDockerfile",
BuildArgs: map[string]*string {
"FOO": "BAR",
Dynamic Build Context¶
If you would like to send a build context that you created in code (maybe you have a dynamic Dockerfile), you can
send the build context as an io.Reader
since the Docker Daemon accepts it as a tar file, you can use the tar package to create your context.
To do this you would use the ContextArchive
attribute in the FromDockerfile
var buf bytes.Buffer
tarWriter := tar.NewWriter(&buf)
// ... add some files
if err := tarWriter.Close(); err != nil {
// do something with err
reader := bytes.NewReader(buf.Bytes())
fromDockerfile := testcontainers.FromDockerfile{
ContextArchive: reader,
Please Note if you specify a ContextArchive
this will cause Testcontainers for Go to ignore the path passed
in to Context
Images requiring auth¶
If you are building a local Docker image that is fetched from a Docker image in a registry requiring authentication
(e.g., assuming you are fetching from a custom registry such as
), Testcontainers for Go will automatically
discover the credentials for the given Docker image from the Docker config, as described here.
req := ContainerRequest{
FromDockerfile: testcontainers.FromDockerfile{
Context: "/path/to/build/context",
Dockerfile: "CustomDockerfile",