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Custom configuration

You can override some default properties if your environment requires that.

Configuration locations

The configuration will be loaded from multiple locations. Properties are considered in the following order:

  1. Environment variables
  2. in user's home folder. Example locations:
    Linux: /home/myuser/
    Windows: C:/Users/myuser/
    macOS: /Users/myuser/

Note that when using environment variables, configuration property names should be set in upper case with underscore separators, preceded by TESTCONTAINERS_ - e.g. ryuk.disabled becomes TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED.

Supported properties

Testcontainers for Go provides a struct type to represent the configuration:

type TestcontainersConfig struct {
    Host           string `properties:",default="`
    TLSVerify      int    `properties:"docker.tls.verify,default=0"`
    CertPath       string `properties:"docker.cert.path,default="`
    RyukDisabled   bool   `properties:"ryuk.disabled,default=false"`
    RyukPrivileged bool   `properties:"ryuk.container.privileged,default=false"`

You can read it with the ReadConfig() function:

cfg := testcontainers.ReadConfig()

Disabling Ryuk

Ryuk must be started as a privileged container.
If your environment already implements automatic cleanup of containers after the execution, but does not allow starting privileged containers, you can turn off the Ryuk container by setting TESTCONTAINERS_RYUK_DISABLED environment variable to true.


For more information about Ryuk, see Garbage Collector.

Customizing Docker host detection

Testcontainers will attempt to detect the Docker environment and configure everything to work automatically.

However, sometimes customization is required. Testcontainers will respect the following environment variables:

DOCKER_HOST = unix:///var/run/docker.sock
See Docker environment variables

Path to Docker's socket. Used by Ryuk, Docker Compose, and a few other containers that need to perform Docker actions.
Example: /var/run/docker-alt.sock

For advanced users, the Docker host connection can be configured via configuration in ~/ The example below illustrates usage:       # Equivalent to the DOCKER_HOST environment variable.
docker.tls.verify=1                         # Equivalent to the DOCKER_TLS_VERIFY environment variable
docker.cert.path=/some/path                 # Equivalent to the DOCKER_CERT_PATH environment variable