Since testcontainers-go v0.20.0
The Testcontainers module for Neo4j, the leading graph platform.
Adding this module to your project dependencies¶
Please run the following command to add the Neo4j module to your Go dependencies:
go get
Usage example¶
Running Neo4j as a single-instance server, with the APOC plugin enabled:
container, err := neo4j.RunContainer(ctx,
neo4j.WithNeo4jSetting("dbms.tx_log.rotation.size", "42M"),
Module Reference¶
The Neo4j module exposes one entrypoint function to create the Neo4j container, and this function receives two parameters:
func RunContainer(ctx context.Context, opts ...testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer) (*Neo4jContainer, error)
, the Go context.testcontainers.ContainerCustomizer
, a variadic argument for passing options.
Container Ports¶
These are the ports used by the Neo4j container:
defaultBoltPort = "7687"
defaultHttpPort = "7474"
defaultHttpsPort = "7473"
Container Options¶
When starting the Neo4j container, you can pass options in a variadic way to configure it.
If you need to set a different Neo4j Docker image, you can use testcontainers.WithImage
with a valid Docker image
for Couchbase. E.g. testcontainers.WithImage("")
By default, the container will use the following Docker image:
defaultImageName = "neo4j"
defaultTag = "4.4"
This option sets a custom logger to be used by the container. Consider calling this before other With
functions as these may generate logs.
The logger must implement the testcontainers.Logger
logger := &inMemoryLogger{}
container, err := neo4j.RunContainer(ctx,
neo4j.WithLogger(logger), // needs to go before WithNeo4jSetting and WithNeo4jSettings
neo4j.WithNeo4jSetting("some.key", "value1"),
neo4j.WithNeo4jSettings(map[string]string{"some.key": "value2"}),
neo4j.WithNeo4jSetting("some.key", "value3"),
By default, the Neo4j container will be started with authentication disabled. If you need to enable authentication, you can
use the WithAuthentication
container, err := neo4j.RunContainer(ctx,
neo4j.WithNeo4jSetting("dbms.tx_log.rotation.size", "42M"),
By default, the container will not use authentication, automatically prepending the WithoutAuthentication
option to the options list.
By default, the Neo4j container will start without any Labs plugins enabled, but you can enable them using the WithLabsPlugin
optional function.
container, err := neo4j.RunContainer(ctx,
neo4j.WithNeo4jSetting("dbms.tx_log.rotation.size", "42M"),
The list of available plugins is:
Apoc LabsPlugin = "apoc"
ApocCore LabsPlugin = "apoc-core"
Bloom LabsPlugin = "bloom"
GraphDataScience LabsPlugin = "graph-data-science"
NeoSemantics LabsPlugin = "n10s"
Streams LabsPlugin = "streams"
It's possible to add Neo4j a single configuration setting to the container.
The setting can be added as in the official Neo4j configuration, the function automatically translates the setting
name (e.g. `dbms.tx_log.rotation.size
) into the format required by the Neo4j container.
This function can be called multiple times. A warning is emitted if a key is overwritten.
To pass multiple settings at once, the WithNeo4jSettings
function is provided.
logger := &inMemoryLogger{}
container, err := neo4j.RunContainer(ctx,
neo4j.WithLogger(logger), // needs to go before WithNeo4jSetting and WithNeo4jSettings
neo4j.WithNeo4jSetting("some.key", "value1"),
neo4j.WithNeo4jSettings(map[string]string{"some.key": "value2"}),
neo4j.WithNeo4jSetting("some.key", "value3"),
Credentials must be configured with the WithAdminPassword
optional function.
Container Methods¶
Bolt URL¶
The BoltURL
method returns the connection string to connect to the Neo4j container instance using the Bolt port.
It returns a string with the format neo4j://<host>:<port>
boltUrl, err := container.BoltUrl(ctx)